Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/15/2024 00:15 Public

[wednesday] i open the door to the garden — turns off the news out back stuck on repeat... chirp! twenty-four eyes reflect in the fountain — a flock of finch horizon to horizon — the length of a cat nap #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flowers #flowerstr

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/12/2024 22:37 Public

[monday] reaching out — a lamp post receives two sparrows the clouds ripple across the sky — pokes through from egg to water to air to me — mosquito bite the cat twists — on the kitchen counter he whips cream five magpies... six magpies — the larch tree leans east #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/12/2024 00:20 Public

[sunday] took a breather today... morning light a sun ray penetrates — the moth flutters out of the blue a turtle floats by — a cloud the door opens the light streams in — he comes #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #hatstr

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/10/2024 20:46 Public

[saturday] the light climbs the fir tree — bends in the wind whoosh three birds zip by — a jet trail a gust of wind — suddenly a pigeon disappearing... a wisp of cloud absorbs — the blue sky shadows shake — the wind in the vines #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flowers #flowerstr #GM

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/09/2024 16:50 Public

[friday] the colour right before it turns blue — this sky the horizon fades into the clouds — geese fly at the park she misses the trees and birds phone zombie the flowers not in my garden — walking home sparrow drops down to the fountain — gurgles the cat perks up pops a magpie #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flowers #flowerstr #GM