Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/06/2024 15:41 Public

[tuesday morning] the garden leans over, heavy — drip... drip... a crow's shadow drips through — wet larch a drop rolls the sky across — a leaf puddles have soaked up the bird song — — — puddles full of clouds — now #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #GM #morning

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/05/2024 20:07 Public

[monday] a magpie walks across itself — a puddle puddles in each one, the sky backed-up a drop reflects an ant's eye... eye... eye... ... on a petal the bumblebee meets — its shadow a shimmer here and there they fly about — nameless bugs #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flower #flowerstr #GM #morning

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/04/2024 18:39 Public

[sunday morning] it heats up the sound of the fireplace — tick... ... tick... ... the crows leave behind an echo... gone the sky reflects and falls off the edge — drip by drip the cat flicks the ball rolls beside its shadow patio door a shadow passes across — cat naps #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flower #flowerstr #GM #morning

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/03/2024 19:46 Public

[saturday] abundance summer fruit — flies pale blue the sky full of nothing — then "caw... caw..." a cloud flows through the trees — birdsong silent it drifts by wide open — gull weathered, the old fountain drips — sparrow gossip #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flower #flowerstr #GM #morning

Sacred Peak (Dale)

08/02/2024 23:45 Public

a faint stream of cloud fills the window — the gurgling tub two wings glide by too high to name bumble bee's shadow looks up from below covered in cat, the light streams in the wind writes it own name — tall grass #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #flower #flowerstr #GN