Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/16/2024 23:15 Public

spitting rain the sun shows itself out — cloud cover are you an artist? and the surprise — hearing this white peony buds engorged they await — ant labour slowly it seeps down into the ground — clouds go low west sun the day stretches itself out — in shadow #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #creatr #artstr #plebchain #spring #sacredpeakdotink


06/16/2024 17:50 Public

a #nostr friend request for his beautiful #cat. Taste of what you'll get with the #Lab tier. Add wss:// relay in your #relays list. #Support the journey if you like it

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/16/2024 12:43 Public

birds sing gently the sun tugs along the hours effortless... the birdsong drowns out the news window blinds slowly the sun's light draws shadow, texture three lines paper and steel pen contain — just enough cleared out last night's thunder and rain sink — into earth #haikusenryu #poetry #spring #creatr #artstr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink


06/16/2024 00:18 Public

Setup for tiers finished. Taste of what you'll get with #Politeia tier in #archjourney #creatr #artstr #nostr #nostrwine

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/15/2024 22:38 Public

suddenly! an hour of rain drops a moment old fir again it twists and shakes — a storm torrential suddenly the clouds tip — a flash! boom! rumble... the entire sky falls in one drop #haikusenryu #poetry #spring #storm #creatr #artstr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink