Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/18/2024 12:20 Public

[tuesday comes] blinds open across the eastern sky fiery clouds old fir tree featureless trunk stands dark — before the sun anxiety for no reason at all — the sun knows "I'm at work" his text moves time along — city street bike spent flowers in an old flower pot — count the days #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #time #morning #GM #art #handwriting #creatr #artstr #plebchain #spring #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/17/2024 20:54 Public

shadow falls on the yeard pierces pine branch #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #sketch #graphite #art #handwriting #creatr #artstr #plebchain #spring #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/17/2024 19:48 Public

blue flowers they wash across the prairie — the sky lime green fresh pine needles poke through — city shade park walkers sky, trees, birds reflect — their cell phones trembling aspen across the street — waves back #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #art #handwriting #creatr #artstr #plebchain #spring #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/17/2024 12:41 Public

two magpies from the fir they swoop down — the sun rise drink tea eat food, p!ss, sh!t, work — life's daily cycle drink tea eat food, p!ss, sh!t, work — so the sun says sunrise slowly gilds the fir's bark proves the sun's toil she sleeps through the magpie chatter — kettle boils #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #art #creatr #artstr #plebchain #spring #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/17/2024 11:59 Public

<algorithm>it tastes soooo good it’s soooo good it looks soooo good and the like… because some “celebrity” or “influencer” says it’s so. and how dare anyone disagree or say otherwise because “everyone” says it is this way. (so somehow it must be? i think not!) who is this everyone? the general public. the same people who all wear the same clothing all listen to the same music all conform to their tribe’s ways, thinking, uniform and everything else algorithmically generated personalities that are not real personalities all of this… groveling under a mountain of fear of missing out of fear of being wrong of fear of not knowing everything of fear of not belonging to something unreal and thinking it is real more concerned with the concept of food, art, literature, and all the rest and what everyone else is saying and doing than actually doing any of it for real and therefore actually knowing anything</algorithm> <comment>this isn’t life this isn’t experience this isn’t anything but ghosts chasing ghosts through dead grass</comment> <comment>appreciating art and food and writing and the rest is the same as existence it’s the intersection of creating art, work, practice, living and YOU how YOU feel about it not how people online say they feel but really don’t (have one clue whatsoever)</comment> <sarcasm> how dare you feel anything other than happiness take a pill if you feel anything cancel people if they dare make you feel anything </sarcasm> <reality> step aside take the other paths cancel the cancelling and live and think and be truly.</reality> ( originally written in November 2023 - )