Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/29/2024 12:37 Public

[saturday wakes up] peony a bit more pokes through — hurry ants! music sails through the eastern sky — sunrise hostas each shade of green rises up under the fir through the fir boughs the sun winks — sun spots David he pours in — the sound of tea [i'm riffing on Matsuo Bashō's (松尾 芭蕉) - "Old Pond" here] ( i write about music fairly often (probably because it's realted to time in, my mind at least). i especially love circular interlocking melodies, whether it is baroque or modern or anything inbetween. usually, i sit in the living room and listen while writing. Harold Budd is my go to: "The Real Dream of Sails" is particularly good. ... now you know more about me. ) #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #rain #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #GM

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/28/2024 18:36 Public

[friday and coffee] suddenly a blast of wind blows over — a magpie café whoosh! heads roll past the window — city bus out the door busy friday café — wind blows coffee and cakes draw me in — haiku fat grey cat one lap or the other — cat, purr ( i gave away the sketch-haiku i made of the delicious cakes at Willow bakery on Centre St. @ Calgary, and i received a free slice of cheesecake 🍥💘 ) #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #catstr #coffee #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/28/2024 12:17 Public

[drip drop friday] black chair with a pillow in red — new logo meniscus helix fountain overflows — clouds drenched fir boughs touch the ground — before drips low pine on the tip of each drop — a needle drip drop even after the rain — it echoes thanks to for the new logo design! #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #rain #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/28/2024 00:44 Public

[wet wet wet] dirty laundry, in a basket — sleeping cat rain again down the window flows pen and ink sliver beads slide down each leaf — each cloud on the tip of each blade of grass — every drop that moment when the rain's tone changes — the clouds #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #rain #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/27/2024 19:54 Public

[thursday drips] peonies reach out for the sun — behind rain laden with rain, these peonies weep rain break all over the puddles — blue sky flowerless one out of four orchids — being coy winter amaryllis blooms again — off key #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink