Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/30/2024 18:11 Public

[sunday carries on] dead pine branch over the road it leans — rusty van a few little spits trickle down... itchy nose softly it circles and winds around — piano to arms! she leaps onto the sill magpie croak! constantly just about to rain — dry patio #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/30/2024 16:42 Public

unlit the old lamp post shines — coffee tones (gave away the sketch at the café so no stamps) #haibun #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #sketch #coffee #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/30/2024 12:37 Public

[sunrise sunday] sunrise a new day lifts the sky — up a steel pen robin chirps open the day unfolds this page singing the best song with no words — chirp - croak - cheep just before he opens the back door — the wind comes on the fence squirrel sets out before blooms open #haibun #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink #GM #sunrise #morning

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/29/2024 21:42 Public

(flower photos after the haibun) [afternoon chain] summer herbs grow — a gentle breeze through the window sends me outside to snip allium their globes came and went — in the rain rises from black earth a faint streak the clouds flow along — a gull's wing casts a shadow on the peony bloom within a single stamen — ten-thousand more #haibun #haiku #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/29/2024 19:18 Public

[saturday outside] peony lost little bee squirms, drunk — on pollen peony fuchsia and other tones — magpies name by the pond a mischief of magpies spills — the news trailing off from a dissipating cloud — jet trail from far off a charm of magpies calls — my name #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowers #flowerstr #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink