06/20/2024 14:17 Public
Bodies #archjourney #mix #artstr #shortclip #dance #dancing #human #body

06/19/2024 22:40 Public
i think I need #holidays #archjourney #imaginary #artstr #shortclip #Greece #relaxation #home

06/19/2024 22:19 Public
848676 preparing something dedicated to nostr.wine #artstr #nostrwine #creatr

06/16/2024 17:50 Public
a #nostr friend request for his beautiful #cat. Taste of what you'll get with the #Lab tier. Add wss://creatr.nostr.wine relay in your #relays list. #Support the journey if you like it https://creatr.nostr.wine/subscribe/npub1qhjxfxpjm7udr0agr6nuhuwf9383e4g9907g64r9hf6y4fh6t6uqpcp36k

06/16/2024 00:18 Public
Setup for tiers finished. Taste of what you'll get with #Politeia tier in creatr.nostr.wine #archjourney #creatr #artstr #nostr #nostrwine