
01/21/2024 20:26 Public

This is a test post with Aristotle's portrait:) I'd like to start up my #creatr tomorrow. So, see you soon!


01/13/2024 21:40 Public

Welcome to my Creatr page! Consider this a tip jar. If you like my music, feel free to show your support for my habit. In return, I hope to create something that you enjoy, and I will post high-quality MP3s of all new music and its accompanying art for all subscribers. Thank you!


12/31/2023 03:05 Public

Trying out add wss:// as a relay and subscribe to to see exclusive content! Check out my portfolio of night time imagery from around the world! 

Tier-1 Subscription required


12/23/2023 20:17 Public

This my first test from the nostr creator website. 5$ monthly to get access to exclusive photos and behind scenes videos!


12/22/2023 23:04 Public

Creatr 🍷 closed beta officially begins! 👀