Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/22/2024 23:13 Public

[hot! saturday] full sun! baked sidewalk barbeques — pork and duck busy ants over sidewalk cracks they cross — canyons smouldering potted plants beg for water — restrictions cherries a basket full makes — bloody lips hot! hot! a... a gust of wind blows — off hats #haiku #haikusenryu #poetry #writing #handwriting #summer #flowerstr #photography #creatr #artstr #penstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/22/2024 19:41 Public

[contrasts] who started dividing the world up? good and bad who is good, who is bad? what is the perspective? positive and negative one cancels out the other light and dark invisible without each other pick a side and miss fifty percent of the picture it's not an equation long division won't help here forget maths forget grammar unseeing one side one unsees the other there is no inside or outside without words all this disappears and yet we still see the whole and its parts we can't understand it from here and it's better that way. #poetry #verse #writing #summer #flowerstr #photography #creatr #artstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink


06/22/2024 13:51 Public

different path #archjourney #mix #artstr #yellow #pattern

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/22/2024 13:29 Public

[saturday, shorter] plants a little taller today — shortens sip by sip the sencha drains away — toilet flush unknowing... tea stains on the edge — mark the hour days and days ant proof of work opens ­— peony slowly the sun's arc illuminates — shadows #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #summer #flowerstr #tea #handwriting #penstr #creatr #artstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink

Sacred Peak (Dale)

06/21/2024 23:58 Public

[friday afternoon] aspens shake off in the distance maples bow blue sky slowly the wind whips up clouds sail by summer the street scene draws in — a steel pen steel pen haiku and titanium — too long lunch time ten people across one table two coffee pots #haikusenryu #haiku #poetry #writing #summer #flowerstr #handwriting #penstr #creatr #artstr #grownostr #plebchain #sacredpeakdotink